Progress Report - Paternus: War of Gods (The Paternus Trilogy #3)

Happy New Year everyone!

I'm actually very happy with how the writing is going so far. The first act is complete (if you've been reading the series, you know each book has three acts), and I'm well over a third of the way finished with the first draft of the manuscript. I'm an obsessive outliner, so I know exactly where the story is going, I just have to keep producing the words to get there. Without being spoilery, a few tidbits from all the insanity that has happened in the book so far: Fi has managed to recruit herself a century of ogres, Zeke has come face-to-face with the Wendigo, and Baphomet has performed a particularly nasty black mass to summon the devil—much to Tanuki's chagrin. There's a whole lot more going on than that, but we're just going to have to wait to find out what it all entails :)

The projected release date of late Summer still stands. One foreseeable effect on that would be if I do a Kickstarter to help cover production costs for a number of things, including hardback copies of all three books, and possible limited edition hardback and paperback box sets. More than a few author friends and fans have encouraged me to do this. The only problem is that Kickstarters take quite a bit of time and energy and doing one could push the release back a month or even two. I'd love to hear what you think about that if you care to send me an email at

That's all I've got for now. I hope everyone is well as we charge ahead into the new year. May it be your best year ever :)

All the best,