Chapter 4 Now Avail., New Interview, Production Update!

Hello everyone! Exciting news! (And I try to only bother you with the exciting news, not that run-of-the-mill lame everyday stuff ;)

Chapter 4 of Paternus Now Available!

The White Watcher watches.

It’s one of those nights with a flawless sky of the deepest black, the stars tiny pin-pricks of light, the full moon a pure white circle hole-punched in the ceiling of the world.

Circling high above what the watoto call Somerset County, in the South West of England, The White Watcher sees for miles in every direction, and his sight is good, perhaps the best in all this world for distance, in both the light of day and dark of night...

Get it HERE.

New Interview!

This week I was interviewed by writer Chris Smolinski for "6 Pack on ICE" on Facebook. Great fun questions about Paternus, writing in general, and my favorite fantasy book characters...

See it HERE.

Production Update

Boy oh boy, this is getting really real now. Book interior has been formatted for print, submitted with final cover design, galley proofed and accepted for production - and best of all, a proof copy of the book is on its way! For the very first time I'll be holding a paperback copy of Paternus in my hot little hands this Wednesday, March 16. Very excited, and a little nervous too. Once that is okay'd I'll be ordering some ARCs (Advance Release Copies). This is all very, very weird, folks... and cool ;)

Thank you all for your precious time and support and kind consideration.

All the best,